Cyfres Seminar
New ways of living well and keeping healthy in rural Mid Wales
Anna L.Prytherch
Iechyd a Gofal Gwledig Cymru
Dydd Iau 21ain o Chwefror, 2019 1:00—2:00yp
Yst. G17 Adeilad Carwyn James, Campws Penglais, Prifysgol Aberystwyth TBC
Darperir cinio ysgafn, cysylltwch â i gofrestri
An overview of rural health and well-being challenges in rural Mid Wales,
outlining some innovative projects taking place in Wales that seek to address these, including presentations made at the Rural Health and Care Conference in 2018. Information will also be provided on a recent Social Prescribing research project that has been conducted in north Ceredigion and a forthcoming
“On your Bike” project that is targeted at 14-25 yr olds, along with other “green” initiatives.
Os hoffech chi fod yn siaradwr yn y gyfres seminar, cysylltwch â: