Mae’r canlynol yn rhestr o gyhoeddiadau sy’n berthnasol i waith pob thema ymchwil. Gall fod gan ymchwilwyr unigol gyhoeddiadau ychwanegol heb eu rhestru yma ac y gellir eu gweld trwy ddilyn y ddolen gyswllt i dudalennau staff unigol.

Gwasanaethau Gofal Technoleg Uwch ac Arloesedd
Chen, Z., Strange, H., Oliver, A., Denton, E.R.E., Boggis, C.R.M., Zwiggelaar, R. 2015. Topological Modelling and Classification of Mammographic Microcalcification Clusters. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 62 (4) pp. 1203-1214. 10.1109/TBME.2014.2385102
He, W., Harvey, S., Juette, A., Denton, E.R.E., Zwiggelaar, R. 2016. Mammographic Segmentation and Density Classification: A Fractal Inspired Approach. In A. Tingberg, K. Lång, P. Timberg (eds), Breast Imaging: 13th International Workshop, IWDM 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9699 Proceedings 13th International Workshop, IWDM 2016, Malmö,, Sweden, 19/06/2016 – 22/06/2016. Springer Nature pp. 359-366. 10.1007/978-3-319-41546-8_45
He, W., Juette, A., Denton, E.R.E., Oliver, A., Marti, R., Zwiggelaar, R. 2015. A review on automatic mammographic density and parenchymal segmentation. International Journal of Breast Cancer 2015 276217 pp. 1-31. 10.1155/2015/276217
He, W., Hogg, P., Juette, A., Denton, E.R.E., Zwiggelaar, R. 2015. Breast Image Pre-processing For Mammographic Tissue Segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine 67 pp. 61-73. 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.10.002
Keenan, J., Rahman, R., Hudson, J. 2016. Experiences of palliative care patients accessing psychosocial support through telehealth. European Health Psychology Society and BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2016, Aberdeen, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 23/09/2016 – 27/09/2016. pp. 485.
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Keenan, J.R., Rahman, R., Hudson, J. 2014. Exploring psychological underpinnings of medical professionals’ perceptions of telehealth implementation in palliative care. European Health Psychology Society conference, Innsbruck, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 18/09/2016.
Knox, L., Rahman, R., Beedie, C. 2016. Quality of life in patients receiving telemedicine enhanced chronic heart failure disease management: A meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 10.1177/1357633X16660418
Rahman, R., & Keenan, J. 2016. Patient and professional acceptability of telehealth to monitor COPD and diabetes. European Health Psychology Society and BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2016, Aberdeen, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 23/09/2016 – 27/09/2016. pp. 622
Rahman, R., & Keenan, J. (2015). Patient and professional acceptability of telehealth to monitor COPD and diabetes. Commissioned report for Hywel Dda UHB.
Rampun, A., Wang, L., Malcolm, P., Zwiggelaar, R. 2016. A Quantatiitive Study of Texture Features across Different Window Sizes in Prostate T2-weighted MRI. Procedia Computer Science 90 20th Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, Leicester, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 06/07/2016 – 07/07/2016. pp. 74-79. 10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.026
Rampun, Y.A., Tiddeman, B., Zwiggelaar, R., Malcolm, P. 2016. Computer aided diagnosis of prostate cancer: A texton base approach. Medical Physics 43 (10) 5412 10.1118/1.4962031
Rampun, A., Zheng, L., Malcolm, P., Tiddeman, B., Zwiggelaar, R. 2016. Computer-aided detection of prostate cancer in T2-weighted MRI within the peripheral zone. Physics in Medicine and Biology 61 (3) pp. 4796-4825. 10.1088/0031-9155/61/13/4796
Rampun, Y.A., Chen, Z., Malcolm, P., Tiddeman, B., Zwiggelaar, R. 2016. Computer-aided diagnosis: Detection and localization of prostate cancer within the peripheral zone. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 32 (5) 10.1002/cnm.2745
Rampun, Y.A., Malcolm, P., Zwiggelaar, R. 2014. Detection of Prostate Abnormality within the Peripheral Zone Using Grey Level Distribution. International Journal of Image and Graphics 2 (1) pp. 15-21. 10.12720/joig.2.1.15-21
Strange, H.G., Chen, Z., Denton, E.R.E., Zwiggelaar, R. 2014. Modelling mammographic microcalcification clusters using persistent mereotopology. Pattern Recognition Letters 47 pp. 157-163. 10.1016/j.patrec.2014.04.008
Tortajada, M., Oliver, A., Martí, R., Ganau, S., Tortajada, L., Sentís, M., Freixenet, J., Zwiggelaar, R. 2014. Breast peripheral area correction in digital mammograms. Computers in Biology and Medicine 50 pp. 32-40. 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.03.010
Zwiggelaar, R., Strange, H.G., He, W., Chen, Z., Kshirasagar, A., Denton, E.R. 2014. Image Based Tissue Segmentation: Towards the Automation of Mammographic Risk Assessment. Oncology News 9 (1) pp. 12-15. Other
Zwiggelaar, R., Denton, E.R.E., Strange, H. 2014. Modelling cancer risk. International Innovation 165 pp. 73-75. Other

Heriau iechyd cymunedau ac amgylcheddau gwledig
Keenan, J.R., Rahman, R., Hudson, J. 2014. Identifying the needs of rural based informal care givers of palliative care patients through exploration of their lived experience. BPS Division of Health Psychology conference, York, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 10/09/2014 – 12/09/2014. Other
Keenan, J., Rahman, R., Hudson, J. 2014. Investigating the psychological well-being and need satisfaction of the informal caregivers of palliative care patients through exploration of lived experiences. BPS Psychology Postgraduate Affairs Group Annual Conference 2014, Cardiff, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 23/07/2014 – 25/07/2014.
Woods, M. 2015. (In press) Creative ruralities. Journal of Arts and Communities
Woods, M., Heley, J., Jones, L. 2015. Everyday Globalization in a Small Rural Town. Colloque international de géographie rurale, Nantes , France, 02/06/2015 – 06/06/2015.
Woods, M. 2015. Explaining rural protest; A comparative analysis. In G. Voerman, D. Strijker, I. Terluin (eds), Rural Protest and Populist Political Parties. Wageningen Academic Publishers
McDonagh, J., Nienaber, B., Woods, M. (eds) 2015. Globalization and Europe’s Rural Regions. Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning Taylor & Francis

Rheoli afiechydon cronig ac addysg iechyd
Curtis, F., Tomlinson, S., Hurlin, C., Thatcher, R., Rice, S. 2016. Can Patients Educate Patients? A Feasibility Study. Welsh Endocrine and Diabetes Society, Cardiff, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 05/05/2016.
Knox, L., Rahman, R., Beedie, C. 2016. Quality of life in patients receiving telemedicine enhanced chronic heart failure disease management: A meta-analysis. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 10.1177/1357633X16660418
Rahman, R., & Keenan, J. 2016. Patient and professional acceptability of telehealth to monitor COPD and diabetes. European Health Psychology Society and BPS Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2016, Aberdeen, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 23/09/2016 – 27/09/2016. pp. 622
Rahman, R., & Keenan, J. (2015). Patient and professional acceptability of telehealth to monitor COPD and diabetes. Commissioned report for Hywel Dda UHB.