Thank you for showing an interest in the study ‘Understanding the impact of Covid-19 on NHS staff’s mental health, coping and wellbeing.’
This web-page is here for you to refer to if you would like to remind yourself of study related material or links.
Using the study’s i-phone/i-pad App
If you have an i-phone or i-pad then you will be able to access all of the materials below via the App. The App is hosted by Aberystwyth University (because it is not open to the general public) and so to register to access the App please provide us with an email using the facility below. It will not be possible for us to associate this email with any App responses and so this will not identify your data in any way.
If you do not have access to an i-phone or i-pad then you can access the different components of the study via the links on this page.
First time you complete the survey
If you have not yet registered for the study and provided informed consent to take part then please follow this link to the survey. Please do not access any of the links below until this first process has been completed and please do not complete this version of the survey for a second time. A different link will be provided for future follow-up surveys. https://aber.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/covid-19-well-being-study
After completing the survey above, please also complete this brief cognitive task. Please follow one of these links depending on the type of equipment you have access to: The recommended browser for task is Chrome.
Follow-up information (between 1st and 14th each month)
Having completed the first baseline survey (above) we would invite you to complete a similar (but shorter!) survey each month. If you provided us with an email contact then we will email you to remind you and will include the link to the most recent questionnaire. If you chose not to provide an email contact then you can access the link to monthly follow-up surveys here.
Surveys will remain open between the 1st and 14th of each month after which time the survey will close until the following month. Missing a month does not stop you from taking part in later monthly surveys.
Access the link to the follow-up survey here: https://aber.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/covid-19-well-being-study_repeat
We would also like you to complete the cognitive task at the same time points as the monthly surveys. Please follow one of these links depending on the type of equipment you have access to: The recommended browser for the task is Chrome.
Complete any time (Journal entries):
The journal will be accessible anytime during the month. You can access the journal to provide an entry as frequently as you wish. Access the journal via this link.
Reminder information.
A reminder of the participant information sheet can be found here: Participant information sheet v6 28.05.2020
A reminder of the consent form items are provided here: Consent form template V6 28.05.2020
A reminder of the formula to your self-generated pseudonym is provided here:
- A memorable and personal date MMDD (e.g., if January 5th, then 0501)
- First three digits of a memorable teacher (e.g., if Mr Parsons, then PAR)
- The last three digits of your mobile or home phone number.
Further information.
If you would like to make any further enquiries about this research, please contact the lead investigator Dr Rachel Rahman rjr@aber.ac.uk, 01970 621749If you want to complain about how researchers have handled your information, you should contact the research team. If you are not happy after that, you can contact Dr Rhys Thatcher who is the lead sponsor representative on behalf of Aberystwyth University: Contact details: Dr Rhys Thatcher, Aberystwyth University, ryt@aber.ac.uk, 01970 628630. If you remain dissatisfied, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Contact details, and details of data subject rights, are available on the ICO website
Sources of support
If you feel that you would benefit from support with any of the issues discussed in this research or more generally, Hywel Dda offer a range of internal support services available to view on their internal intranet including the Staff Psychological Wellbeing Service which you can contact on 01437 772527 or wellbeing.hdd@wales.nhs.uk as well as the Care first –employee assistance programme.
The following external services may also be able to help:
- The Samaritans can be contacted at any time of the day on 116 123
- Mind provide support with mental health and can be contacted on 0300 123 3393 info@mind.org